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Royal Canadian Legion Branch 270 Coldwater held its annual Remembrance Day parade and service on Saturday November 11. Despite the cold, dozens of people did show up to pay their respects to our Fallen, many to lay a wreath in memory of a loved one. This annual event would not be possible without the tremendous support given by Canadian Armed Forces personnel from CFB Borden, who provided troops and much logistical support. As Remembrance Day also signalled the end of this year's Poppy Campaign, we wish to thank the many groups, local businesses and individuals who contributed in so many ways to the Coldwater Legion's Poppy Campaign. Thank you to those who marched and stood on parade, and those who attended as spectators. Thank you to our own Legion Branch members and Ladies Auxiliary volunteers who spent hours in the cold, "tagging" for Poppies, or preparing and serving lunch after the parade, working behind the counter in the club room, and doing whatever was required to "make it happen." Finally, thank you all of you who proudly wore your Poppy during the past two weeks. This simple gesture of Remembrance is perhaps the best guarantee that in the future, We Will, indeed, Remember Them.

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