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On Tuesday May 28, during the monthly General Meeting, the branch held an Honours & Awards ceremony to present several Legion Years of Service pins, Certificates of Appreciation, Certificates of Merit, Past Office Medals and Bars, and the Legionnaire of the Year 2023 plaque.  Congratulations to all the recipients, and particularly to Comrade Gaëtanne Robinson (below right) who was presented the Legionnaire of the Year Award by Branch President Anne Frankish.  Gaëtanne also won the District Poppy Chair of the Year award earlier this year.  She volunteers for almost all events, wearing a variety of hats, as either Legion member, or member of the Ladies' Auxiliary, or both, and is active in many aspects of Legion daily functions. She enjoys visiting our Veterans in the community and takes part in assisting them.  She serves as Poppy Chair, is instrumental in running the Friday Night Steak Darts, serves on the Honours and Awards Committee and she coordinates the bookings for all the upstairs hall events. She led the Poppy Committee in attaining a new high level of donation in 2023. Therefore, for leadership demonstrated in furthering the goals of the Coldwater Legion through the recognition, promotion and celebration of all Veterans, the branch is pleased to award Gaëtanne the Legionnaire of the Year title.



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