Royal Canadian Legion Branch 270 Coldwater Ladies' Auxiliary held its annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday November 26, 2022, in the upstairs hall at the Legion. Vendors' tables were sold out for the event, as participants offered a wide variety of products and services ranging from wood crafts and jewelry to knitted works and candles. The Ladies also offered a wonderful turkey lunch for those in need of a turkey fix.
The Ladies' Auxiliary wishes to thank all the volunteers, participants and visitors who contributed to make this event a success, and particularly the local businesses and individuals who donated merchandise for the Penny Table and Prize Draws. Thank you all!
PHOTO CAPTIONS (Photos by Norm Marion):
1- A vendor from Love my Leggs (right) describes his product to Branch member Wanda Beaudoin, seen here with (left-to-right) Branch member Tim Beaudoin, Susan Beard, and Sandra Beaudoin.
2- Artist Sheri Newman stands by her display of painted wood crafts from Creative Cracka Jack.
3- Branch members Penny Lawrence-Judges and Brian Judges set up a popular table featuring a variety of wood-turned pens from Pens by Brian.
4- Vendors' tables were sold out for the Ladies' Auxiliary's annual Christmas Bazaar. Participants offered a wide variety of products and services ranging from wood crafts and jewelry to knitted works and candles.
5- Ladies' Auxiliary member Karen Dravis, seen here handling lunch tickets, was one of the volunteers who helped with the Branch 270 Ladies' Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar.
6- Joanne Sine and Janet Coombs offered a variety of knitted and sewn goods at the Bazaar.
7- Ladies' Auxiliary member Janis Cronin volunteered at the Bake table for the Ladies' Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar.
8- Ladies' Auxiliary member Henny Risebrough was one of the many volunteers who helped with the Branch 270 Ladies' Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar.
9- Ladies' Auxiliary and Branch member Gaëtanne Robinson takes a shift at the Penny Table set-up by Branch Past President Marie Langley.
10- Cheryl (left) & Bev King pose by their display of Kings Christmas Lanterns at the Ladies' Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar.
11- Anna de Koter (right) and her granddaughters Sophia and Chiara stand by Anna's display of handmade Lovable Knitwit cuddly toys at the Ladies' Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar.